Tuesday Thingers: Swap this book

Today’s question: Have you ever used the Swap This Book function [on LibraryThing] which can be found on the main page of any book? If so, what do you think about it? If not, are there any other swap sites you utilize to exchange books once you are done? What do you do with your books if you no longer want them anymore?

My answer: Programs like BookMooch were initially brought to my attention because of LibraryThing’s “Swap This Book” feature! When browsing through titles that sounded interesting, I noticed that some of those swap sites would show they had 12 copies of a book in the inventories of members. I think that’s a great assest for the LT community, and I’m pretty sure it helps LT out financially, too — the swap sites must pay a premium to be included.

As I blog about often, I use BookMooch pretty faithfully and have received more than 30 books that way (and sent 41 out myself). They’re a great tool for frequent readers who don’t want to rely on either purchasing the books through regular retailers or hoping a title they want appears at the library or used bookstore. BookMooch can be pretty time-consuming — you have to find your books; list your books; check to see if someone requested it; approve the request; get it packaged and go to the Post Office — it’s still fun to share and be part of a community of book swappers. I haven’t been sending out many of my books via BookMooch lately, mostly because I’ve racked up a ton of points and haven’t spent them yet. Many of the books on my wishlist haven’t been available as of late.

When I’m finished with a book and don’t have the space to shove it on my overflowing bookshelf full of my favorites, I almost always pass them on to my sister, at least to see if she’s interested in them. Once she’s read it or she doesn’t think she’ll ever crack that spine, I’ll donate them to the local library, the Salvation Army or trade them in at our local used bookstore. Or I pass them along to friends!

Tuesday Thingers is hosted by Wendi at Wendi’s Book Corner!

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Thingers: Swap this book

  1. I haven’t used any of the swap sites, but I have a good friend here who does. I pass mine on to family and friends and then I hoard them. My husband jokes that we’re going to have to rent storage space for my books.


  2. Yes, I’m beginning to think that donation may be the way to go, rather than swapping. Giving books to the local library or the Salvation Army would feel like a worthwhile activity, and it wouldn’t involve any of the paper work. Of course, that’s assuming my hubby can manage to lock me in a closet somewhere while he gathers up all the books!


  3. 🙂 I’ve not tried BookMooch yet, but I’m seeing that a lot of people use that swap site, so I am going to have to go check it out. I just love PaperbackSwap. I do sometimes take my books into the hospital where I volunteer from time to time. There is a department there that houses women who are on pregnancy realted bed rest. I was there myself for over three months, and got very tired of the same three books they had available at the time!

    Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers last week! I’ve got this week’s posted now.

    Take care, Wendi


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